Jefe's Next Chapter

Late January, 2015

Why haven’t I been writing? What has triggered this lapse in regularity and constancy?

For one I’ve been more active posting photos on G+ and writing on Facebook instead of here, and another I’ve felt that I just didn’t have anything meaningful enough to say. Somehow Facebook seems appropriate for posting ephemera since things posted there “seem” to disappear sinceit can be very hard to search/find anything more than a week old. None-the-less, Marc Cuban suggests that we remove our posts after a short while so that there is no back-log of content to be mined by the data scientists that work for marketing companies.

I’ve also felt very restricted talking about details of my life while I’m going through my divorce, as if everything I write, anything I say can be fuel for some kind of disagreements. Anything I do that might be associated with money I spend can come up in a discussion weeks later about why I’m not sending more money to my ex. I don’t really want to expose all of this because I’m trying to be non-disparaging. I have strong feelings about this which I simply don’t feel safe discussing online, and it feels like nothing else I might have to say is as important or relevant as how I feel about this.

Today is Saturday, a day to get stuff done, doing some laundry and listening to this WS Burroughs radio documentary on This American Life (was produced for BBC last year, on the 100th anniversary of his birth, with Iggy Pop narrating).  Tomorrow is the Superbowl, with Seattle vs New England. I expect that most of the folks I know here on the East Coast will be Pat’s fans, but I’m going to watch it here with the locals and will quietly root for the ‘Hawks.

I’m supposed to be having a video chat with Jerome around now, but for what-ever reason ha hasn’t shown up with Rachel, who I arranged this chat time with. Jerome wasn’t actually part of setting up the chat, so it really isn’t his fault.

Just got a text from him, he’s going for a nap instead of chatting with me. This leaves me feeling a bit sad We ended up chatting yesterday (Sunday) morning for about 30 minutes, and I spoke to Juliette on the phone after the football game. I miss them both a great deal, and look forward to seeing them soon.

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